Lung Neaw visits his neighbours at the Cycladic Art Museum 10/09/2015

Within the framework of the work Exhaustion for the Deste prize 2015,
Yiannis Papadopoulos proposes the screening of the
Rirkrit Tiravanija's film Lung Neaw visits his neighbours (2011).
The film will be shown on Thursday September the 10th, 2015 at 17:00 at the Auditorium of the Cycladic Art Museum.

one-off pas encore/όχι ακόμα

installation view at De Wilden 11/8/2015
photo by Oliver Leu

oxi akoma

pas encore/όχι ακόμα 

one-off event around twelve lithographs
from the work Exhaustion, shown in Cycladic Art museum
for the Deste prize 2015

Tuesday 11/8/2015,  19:00-22:00
De Wilden
Kerkstraat 51, 2060 Antwerp