Heraclitian composition

organically prepared objects

NWSE performance July 14th, 2011

NWSE, performance, part 1 (Eastern)
violin: Nele Paelinck,
photos: Marianne Hommersom


A line which indicates North-South, in fact divides into East and West.
There is a bridge that connects Mercatorstraat and Oostenstraat.
There is no danger from the cardinal points.
We only have to find the exit to the light.


Public work, visible from Thursday July 7th, 2011
Performance Thursday July 14th, 2011, 20:00 sharp.

Footbridge under the railways, between Mercatorstraat and Oostenstraat, Antwerpen

Cadmium red(series4)

oil on well prepared canvas 22x29cm