Former zero

wood, oil on canvas, lambda print 33x35cm

Fire walk with me/ na H.

Performance at How to stay awake, ceder wood, duration: as long as the fire lasts


Deformed grid on unprepared canvas, made on critical moments. 42x30cm.

Genoeg view

View from the exhibition "Genoeg! Genoeg! Lucht! Lucht!" at The Common Room, Antwerp

Former zero (preview)

Former Zero, preview, 2011



Genoeg! Genoeg! Lucht! Lucht!

Invitation for an exhibition

Scale 1:100

Scale 1:100, carpet piece1., oil painting
1. part of the Gingko installation, 2009

Rode composities

Organically prepared canvases, cadmium red(series 4)

Heraclitian composition

organically prepared objects

NWSE performance July 14th, 2011

NWSE, performance, part 1 (Eastern)
violin: Nele Paelinck,
photos: Marianne Hommersom


A line which indicates North-South, in fact divides into East and West.
There is a bridge that connects Mercatorstraat and Oostenstraat.
There is no danger from the cardinal points.
We only have to find the exit to the light.


Public work, visible from Thursday July 7th, 2011
Performance Thursday July 14th, 2011, 20:00 sharp.

Footbridge under the railways, between Mercatorstraat and Oostenstraat, Antwerpen

Cadmium red(series4)

oil on well prepared canvas 22x29cm


photocopy on glass, sticky tape, q-tree diagram.

Boxed porcelain(safe)

Two porcelain pieces with their closure.
Result object from the "Forth column of the Sun"
2008-2011. OK


Compactness(συμπάγεια ή συμπαγότητα)
oil on organically prepared canvas, 23x28+21x28

Ask the King

Ό ἄναξ, οὗ τὸ μαντεῖόν ἐστι τὸ ἐν Δελφοῖς, οὔτε λέγει οὔτε κρύπτει ἀλλὰ σημαίνει.

The king, who owns the Delphic oracle, neither says nor hides but gives signs.


Poster for the Billboard#3 at the Schoenmartk in Antwerp.
1.20x0.82m photocopy and acrylic
Vijgen na pasen(σύκα μετά το Πάσχα)
"κατόπιν εορτής"

Le sang des bêtes

, Georges Franju,1949


Όρος= Term

Stone or marble slabs, which marked the limits of arable land and suggested that the farmer did not have property rights, while recalling the commitments entered into by the poor farmer against the owner. They usually had a brief inscription, which refers to the function of the term.

The Blonde Boy

#Akr 689, 480 b.C. Severe Rhythm

Study for a composition

Glass, bronze, red lid, thread, lighting alcohol. OK

For Fear/Φόβος {ˈfoʊbəs}

-Έντάξει, μου είπε, είναι όλα κανονισμένα.
-Σας εξασφαλίσαμε ακόμα και νερό.